Sto. Niño

Thank you once again to all who participated and contributed to our joyous celebration of faith! Our Sto Niño Mass was not only a celebration of the Feast of the Santo Niño but also an expression of deep faith, reverence, and a desire for divine blessings, protection, and guidance. As you will see in the video the array of delicious dishes that were brought in for our potluck dinner was truly remarkable.

Additionally, if anyone is interested in hosting the Sto. Niño in their home for a duration of seven days, (in the Philippines, taking the Sto Niño (a child Jesus statue) home for a week is a common religious tradition, especially during the Feast of the Santo Niño in January. This practice invites divine blessings and strengthens family faith.)The act of bringing the Sto Niño home is often seen as a way to invite divine blessings, strengthen faith, and seek guidance for the family.

If you would like to have this precious statue in your home for a week, please email

May God bless us all, and we hope to gather for this event again next year! Viva Pit Señor!